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Data Reading#

Run terminal in the folder contains .ulg log file and run:

java -jar flightplot.jar 

Data Plotting#

Following data will be used for analysis#


Click field.list to view all data

  1. vehicle_local_position_0.(XYZ) >>> vehicle local position(XYZ)
  2. position_setpoint_triplet_0,current.(XYZ) >>> vehicle setpoint position
  3. vehicle_local_position_0.a(XYZ) >>> vehicle current acceleration(XYZ)
  4. positionsetpoint_triplet_0,current.a(XYZ) >>> vehicle setpoint accleration(XYZ0)
  5. vehicle_rates_setpoint_0.(pitch,yaw,row) >>> vehicle angular velocity setting value (pitch,yaw,row)
  6. [EulerFromQuaternion] >>> vehicle current angular velocity(pitch,yaw,row)

    To get this , "vehicle_attitude_0.q[0~3]" need to be selected. Click'add' and add 'Processor'EulerFromQuaternion to these data.

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