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Software Installation


  • Xavier NX Development Kit Hardware
    • Flashed with the lastest OS from nvidia, as well as CUDA (recommand to install using recovery mode + SDK manager). Remarks: Install NVIDIA SDK manager in a Linux machine; Use jumper wire to short RCV pin with GND pin on Xavier module.
  • Assume username to be nvidia

Install tiscamera Camera Driver#

  1. Build from source and install tiscamera core driver
  2. Install from .deb file the tiscamera-dutils package, insturctions here

Install ROS Melodic#

  1. Install ROS
  2. Install Catkin Tools
  3. Create the workspace, for example:
    cd /home/nvidiamkdir catkin_wscd catkin_wsmkdir srccatkin build # this command should suceed
  4. Done, from now on all source code should be place within the ./src folder

Install Basic ROS Dependencies#

  1. Mavlink, install by apt manager: ros-melodic-mavlink
  2. Mavros, the modified monotonic version is needed: (, monotonic branch, Notes: clone the source code, the source code should be place within the ./src folder. Then go to catkin_ws folder to build the code using cmd catkin build)
  3. Install cv_bridge from source, refer here

Install Camera ROS Wrapper#

Installation refer to here.

Take special note of the device_list.yaml file, which is called by the corresponding .launch file. If the serial number of the cameras do not match, the driver will not run.

Install VIO Code#

Refer here.

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