Design Choices#
Trajectory Representation & Associated Controls#
- Velocity vector [In Current CA]
- Way point & max speed [Propose for new implementation]
- Full acceleration, velocity, position trajectory using :
- Set of piece-wise polynomials [UPenn]
- Boundary State Constraint Primitive [Tlab MPC]
- B-spline [HKUST]
- Reflexxes [Tlab previous autonomy solution]
Whether to implement rules#
- Yes [Propose for new implementation] [In Current CA]
- No
What information to use from neighbouring UAVs#
- Sensed state [In Current CA]
- Intent [Propose for new implementation]
Search for solution#
- Gradient descent [Propose for new implementation]
- Brute-force search [In Current CA]
- Linear Programming, Sequential Quadratic Programming, …
Application of solution#
- Full solution [In Current CA]
- Half solution (like in RVO) [Propose for new implementation]