implement a class StereoUpdater
with param
StereoUpdater::StereoUpdater(LinDistMap *dmap, DevMap *dev_map, StereoParams p): MapUpdater(dmap,dev_map), _sp(p) { allocMem(_sp.rows,_sp.cols); }
allocate, free, reallocate memory for depth and confidence on device, _D_depth
, _D_confi_map
implement a function makeStereoPt
: (1) get the current camera pose (call updateProjection(trans)
in MapUpdater.cpp
); (2) copy depthmap and confidence into device (although confidence not used in linear distance map optimization currently); (3) call the GPU function to construct probablity map in kernel/
// Get the current camera pose updateProjection(trans);
// Copty the depthmap, etc into the device topic2Dmem(depthPoint,confidence_ptr);
// Start the GPU kernel to construct the probability map stereo::stereoKernelWrapper(_sp,_mp,_D_depth,_D_confi_map,_dev_map);
in function void stereoKernelWrapper(const StereoParams &sp, const ProjParams &mp, float *d_depth, float* d_confi_map, DevMap *dev_map)
call the GPU kernel function __global__ void stereoMapSingleUpdater(StereoParams sp, ProjParams mp,float *d_depth, DevMap dev_map, DevGeo::coord shift)
, blks=range of z, threads=range of y
const int gridSize = dev_map->updateRange.z; const int blkSize = dev_map->updateRange.y;
// calculate the shift DevGeo::coord shift = dev_map->pos2coord(; shift.x -= dev_map->updateRange.x/2; shift.y -= dev_map->updateRange.y/2; shift.z -= dev_map->updateRange.z/2; stereoMapSingleUpdater<<<gridSize,blkSize>>>(sp,mp,d_depth,*dev_map,shift);
in GPU kernel function stereoMapSingleUpdater
, in each thread, loop all the range of x, convert grid coordinate to global position (call function coord2pos
in kernel/helper_mapop.cuh
), then transform to body frame, finally project into pixel through calling the function void global2project(const DevGeo::coord &grid_crd,const ProjParams &mp, const DevMap &dev_map, const StereoParams &sp, int2 &pix, float &depth)
, global frame using NWU. in coord2pos
for (s.x = 0; s.x < dev_map.updateRange.x; ++s.x) { c = s + shift; global2project(c,mp,dev_map,sp,pix,depth);
do nothing for too large or too small depth and projected pixels out of image range.
if (depth <= 0 || depth >4.5) continue; if (pix.x < 0 || pix.x >= sp.cols || pix.y < 0 || pix.y >= sp.rows || pix.y >= sp.crop) continue;
Here, compare two values, depth and img_depth. depth is the existing grid after projection, img_depth is the sensor measured depth in current frame. if grid is in front of the sensor measured depth, it should be not occupied (value = 0), then send to low pass filter to update. if grid is far behind the sensor measured depth, it cannot be seen by sensor, do nothing. if the grid is near the sensor measured depth, it should be occupied (value = 1), send to low pass filter to update. the low pass filter is a function lowpassOccupancy
in kernel/helper_mapop.cuh
img_depth=d_depth[sp.cols*pix.y+pix.x]; if (isnan(img_depth) || img_depth <= 0.21) continue; if (depth < img_depth - 0.21) { lowpassOccupancy(c, 0, 0.5, dev_map); } else if (depth > img_depth + 0.21) { // not seen do nothing } else { lowpassOccupancy(c, 255, 0.5, dev_map); }
low pass filter
__device__ __forceinline__ void lowpassOccupancy(const DevGeo::coord &c, float val, float beta,const DevMap &dev_map)
global position to grid map coordinate
__device__ __forceinline__ DevGeo::coord pos2coord(const DevGeo::pos &p,const DevGeo::pos &origin, const float &gridstep)
grid map coordinate to global position
__device__ __forceinline__ DevGeo::pos coord2pos(const DevGeo::coord & c,const DevGeo::pos &origin, const float &gridstep)
difference with
in the function global2project
, the projection of 3D point to image pixel using the double sphere fisheye camera model; add params, d_min
, d_max
, d_thre
, sweep_mode