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Kalibr Result Conventions

The conventions used by Kalibr is briefly discussed here:

Camera Model (Intrinsics)#

  • Pinhole [fu fv pu pv]
  • Double Sphere (ds): [xi alpha fu fv pu pv]

Transformation Matrices#

T_cn_cnm1: Transform cam0 (cnm1?) coordinates to cam1 (last camera, denoted as cn) coordinates (i.e. T_cn_cnm1 = T_c1_c0). Therefore it consists of:

  • $R_{c_1c_0}$ or R_c1_c0 formed by basis vectors of cam0 frame in cam1 coordinates
  • $t_{c_1c_0}$ or t_c1_c0 which is the position of the cam0 frame's origin in cam1 coordinates

T_cam_imu Transform imu coordinates to camera coordnates. It consists of:

  • $R_{ci}$ or R_c_i formed by basis vectors of imu frame in cam coordinates
  • $t_{ci}$ or t_c_i which is the position of the imu frame's origin in the cam coordinates

Example Files#


cam0:  cam_overlaps: [1]  camera_model: ds  distortion_coeffs: []  distortion_model: none  intrinsics: [-0.19963086018860057, 0.5924590037637837, 317.552559595926, 316.1745713358917,    724.8551471226007, 546.5708052642561]  resolution: [1440, 1080]  rostopic: /tiscamera_ros/fisheye_left/image_rect_rawcam1:  T_cn_cnm1:  - [0.9994397899015358, 0.01583231520610129, 0.029486338477008038, -0.1982100882850154]  - [-0.014069141538300084, 0.9981545353408604, -0.05907269110882186, -0.003226884424352984]  - [-0.03036717994712894, 0.05862475052124023, 0.9978181061738522, 0.0003909535695235701]  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]  cam_overlaps: [0]  camera_model: ds  distortion_coeffs: []  distortion_model: none  intrinsics: [-0.19567833352036393, 0.5934771139662725, 318.54033139830346, 317.0520130252999,    712.7496608380312, 557.2224352962965]  resolution: [1440, 1080]  rostopic: /tiscamera_ros/fisheye_right/image_rect_raw
cam0:  T_cam_imu:  - [0.025462230671673247, -0.9992630992296517, -0.02872165258433318, 0.004244697665851643]  - [0.04993886668011138, 0.029966538262921255, -0.9983026175360077, 0.003320133241428618]  - [0.9984276560692467, 0.023984684748595442, 0.050665081600466455, 0.015700839664599384]  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]  cam_overlaps: [1]  camera_model: ds  distortion_coeffs: []  distortion_model: none  intrinsics: [-0.21697771106770586, 0.5920493574492033, 312.2320475101821, 311.05174019378734,    725.0950280082754, 545.2634687518469]  resolution: [1440, 1080]  rostopic: /tiscamera_ros/fisheye_left/image_rect_raw  timeshift_cam_imu: 0.07650780716660849cam1:  T_cam_imu:  - [0.05736274985627546, -0.9977239680238397, -0.03544571285346676, -0.1921825607480451]  - [-0.02404388231864263, 0.03411324897586468, -0.999128709410033, -0.003544617933287773]  - [0.9980638289468132, 0.05816502278066027, -0.02203232790586701, 0.013584152644111497]  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]  T_cn_cnm1:  - [0.9994673874821907, 0.00835184517590277, 0.03154660111141055, -0.1969480349995947]  - [-0.006003694095546954, 0.9972543376065331, -0.0738088191353987, -0.005671290908341935]  - [-0.032076424625132306, 0.0735801114915753, 0.9967733293864537, -0.002174166631870157]  - [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]  cam_overlaps: [0]  camera_model: ds  distortion_coeffs: []  distortion_model: none  intrinsics: [-0.24136341506123252, 0.581315342400733, 301.55643035207885, 300.1877223496746,    714.9295565564267, 560.0563142309148]  resolution: [1440, 1080]  rostopic: /tiscamera_ros/fisheye_right/image_rect_raw  timeshift_cam_imu: 0.04030756527247593
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