EDT Framework Overview
ROS main function (edt_node_laser_realdrone.cpp)#
ROS basicssubscribe 4 topics: pose, laser scan, depth from ZED, confidence from ZED
scan_sub = nh.subscribe("/scan", 1, &EDTNODE::get_scan, this); o_sub = nh.subscribe("/mavros/position/local", 1, &EDTNODE::get_pose, this); depth_sub = nh.subscribe("/revised_sensor/image",1,&EDTNODE::get_depth, this); subConf = nh.subscribe("zed/confidence/confidence_map", 1, &EDTNODE::get_confi_map, this);
publish 1 topic:
mapTimer = nh.createTimer(ros::Duration(0.1), &EDTNODE::publishMap, this);
pub_map = nh.advertise<edt::CostMap> ("cost_map", 1);
node param
nh.param<bool>("/edt/simulation", simulation, false); nh.param<int>("/edt/crop", crop, depth_rows); nh.param<float>("/edt/clear_range", clear_range, 10); nh.param<double>("/nndp_cpp/fly_height",FLYHEIGHT,1.0);
Code structurewhile receive a depth measurement, update the probatility map (call function from stereo.cpp)
if (got_depth) { su->makeStereoPt(trans,depth_ptr,confidence_ptr); }
Update the cost Map (call function from MapUpdater.cpp)
su->updateEDTMap(FLYHEIGHT-0.4, FLYHEIGHT+0.4, center);
Publish the distance map
pub_map.publish (cost_map_msg);
ROS main function (edt_node_dsstereo.cpp)#
Difference with edt_node_laser_realdrone.cppset params instead of hard coding, such as
the physical size of a grid in meter, gridSize
how many grids in the map, map_x
, map_y
, map_z
how many grids will be updated in each step, update_x
, update_y
, update_z
fly height of UAV, FLYHEIGHT
height range of the map, HEIGHT_EXPANSION
whether there's a confidence map together with depth map, use_confidence
the params used in map update, d_min
, d_max
, d_thre