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There are a few important parts to setting up the SAFMC Drone, or otherwise known as the NUSwarm drone:

  1. Assembly of drone
  2. PX4 setup and configuration
  3. Radxa setup and configuration

Assembly of drone#

Components Required#

These are the components required to build a SAFMC Drone:

  • Radxa-zero - This is the Radxa Zero onboard computer (OBC) that has already been mounted on the drone structure.

On the Radxa OBC there's the antenna which needs to be attached, otherwise could have surge in power and spoil the OBC.

  • Flight controller (F405s Flywoo) - This is the low level controller that contains the PX4 software which will then drive the motors.

    • MCU: STM32F405 BGA
    • Integrated ESCs
    • Built-in Sensors: BMP280 Barometer AND MPU6000 IMU.
    • Link
  • Motors: Flywoo NIN 1404 (4850 kV)

  • Lidar: TF-Luna V1.2

  • Serial Receiver

    • FM800 (FASST RX)
    • OR FrSky R-XSR/RXSR Ultra mini S.BUS Smart Port Redundancy Receiver for FPV Drone
  • Power supply

    • Should be a 3S battery with XT-30 connector
  • Frame

    • To obtain from relevant contributors/maintainers.

Wiring Guide#

  • Make sure you know what serial ports are available on the flight controller. For the flywoo GN405s, refer to boards/flywoo/f405s_aio/nuttx-config/include/board.h in the board firmware code:

    • UART 1 <-> /dev/ttyS0
      • UART 1 is used for communicating via USB
    • UART 2 <-> TEL1/101 (/dev/ttyS1)
    • UART 4 <-> TEL2/102 (/dev/ttyS2)
    • UART 6 <-> UART6 (/dev/ttyS3)
  • These are some of the steps required to get the hardware set-up:

    • Need to solder red wire to 5V and black wire to GND and a USB C connector. Then heat shrink for final touch
    • The serial port pins (the three pins on the Radxa) need to be soldered onto the OBC (see Fig. \ref{obc})

Last time, the OBC was driven directly by the battery pack. However, now they are going to use the output tapping points of the flight controller to draw 5V to the OBC. (see Fig. \ref{pinout} which shows the 5V and GND pinout.).

  • Connecting RF receiver to the Flight Controller:
    • Refer to wiring diagram above and you can see some pinouts stating 4.5V, GND and SBUS. Solder the wires to a connector such that you can connect it to the RF receiver.
    • Then refer to the figure below and you can see how the wires should be connected to the connector. Once done, you can plug the RF receiver to the connector accordingly.
  • With that, you can set up the remote control (in this case we are using the remote control as seen below) to pair with the RF receiver. There is a button on the RF receiver which you can press. Press and hold it while you plug in the USB-b connector to the flight controller (F405). Then go to QGroundControl.

  • There is also a need to check which channel the RF is communicating on (ie SBUS). There should be a blue light on the receiver if so. If not, there is a need to configure it to comms via SBUS. On the RF packaging there should be a manual. Look at the manual for more instructions.

  • To check if the receiver is connected, go to QGroundControl and go to the radio tab to check if the flight controller responds to the control movements.

PX4 setup and configuration#

We will need to:

  1. Make sure PX4 parameters are set correctly.
  2. Set up radio (Please set a killswitch)
  3. Calibrate sensors (Done using QGroundControl)
  4. Test motors (without propellers), make sure they are spinning in the right direction
    • IMPORTANT: If you are using a flywoo board with native support for betaflight, it is necessary to set the MOT_ORDERING param to 1.
  5. Make sure that flight does not have significant vibrations. The default PID parameters should be good enough. Vibrations will lead to negative effects on motor health, EKF2 fusion etc.

Building and flashing the Flywoo F405 Firmware#

  1. Build the board firmware
# Clone the custom version of PX4 git clone --recursivecd ./PX4-Autopilot/# Default build for Flywoo F405 AIOmake flywoo_f405s_aio_default
  1. Upload firmware to flight controller board. Make sure to connect the FCU to the computer first.
make flywoo_f405s_aio_default upload

Parameter Configuration#

################# Communication/Serial ports################  baud rates:    SER_TEL1_BAUD: 230400     SER_TEL2_BAUD: 230400 # Can be used for companion computer     SER_UART6_BAUD: 9600 # Can be used for lidar   GPS:    GPS_1_CONFIG: Set to 0 # Disabled unless using  Lidar:    SENS_TFMINI_CFG: Set to UART6   Mavlink:    Connection to companion computer:      MAV_0_CONFIG: TEL2/102       MAV_0_MODE: 2 (ONBOARD)      MAV_0_RATE: 0 (Half maximum)      MAV_0_FORWARD: 0 (DISABLED)    Connection to Lidar:      MAV_1_CONFIG: UART6       MAV_1_MODE: Normal      MAV_1_RATE: 1200 Byte/s      MAV_1_FORWARD: True
################# Lidar/Range finder################  EKF2_RNG_AID: Set to 0 to disallow use of range sensor.  Position offset should be 0.0:    EKF2_RNG_POS_X, EKF2_RNG_POS_Y, EKF2_RNG_POS_Z   Other values:    EKF2_MIN_RNG: In units of meters. Set to 0.04m (or whatever your sensor reading tells you when your drone is on the ground). This is the expected rangefinder value when on the ground.
################# Vicon (If using)################  EKF2_AID_MASK:     All other bits to false    Bit 3: Set to true to enable vision position fusion    Bit 4: Set to true to enable vision yaw fusion  EKF2_EV_NOISE_MD: Set to true. This is so that we can use noise values from PX4 parameters directly.
################# EKF2 ################  SYS_MC_EST_GROUP: Set to EKF2  EKF2_HGT_MODE: Set to 2 (If lidar is used)  EKF2_MAG_CHECK: Set to 0  EKF2_MAG_TYPE: If no magnetometer, set to NONE. Else AUTOMATIC
################# Position control ################  MPC_ALT_HOLD: Set to 2 (requires distance sensor)  MPC_THR_HOVER: Set to % required to achieve hover  MPC_LAND_SPEED: Rate of descent, can leave as default
################# Others ################  Checks    COM_ARM_WO_GPS: Allow arming without GPS Values    COM_RC_IN_MODE: Set to enable RC checks (if testing with a single drone)    CBRK_SUPPLY_CHK: If disabling voltage check, set to 894281  Auto disarm timeouts    COM_DISARM_PRFLT: Timeout for auto disarm if vehicle is too slow to takeoff.  Arming/Disarming    MAN_ARM_GESTURE: Enable arming/disarming via stick gestures  Motor ordering    MOT_ORDERING: Set to 1 for betaflight. This is because the default motor ordering on the Flywoo GN405 is for betaflight.  Sensor    SENS_BOARD_ROT: Set to Yaw 270 degrees
################# Battery################  Set the number of cells. Should be 3S.  Set the voltage divider value (There is a bug that it cannot be changed if the initial value is -1.0, so set it to a random positive value first. Then calculate it with the real value)


  1. V1.9 Reference

PX4 console troubleshooting#

# Communicationuorb statusmavlink status streams
# List processestop
# List all modulesls /bin/
# Listen to topicslistener TOPIC 
# Modules## Get Distance sensor statustfmini status## Get sensors statussensors status

Radxa setup and configuration#

There are a few important steps for setting up the Radxa:

  1. Remove auto-boot (i.e. Create an access point to the FCU)
  2. Flashing of Ubuntu server image
  3. Enable headless mode
  4. Connecting to wifi network
  5. Synchronization of time in isolated network (no internet connection)
  6. Interfacing with PX4
  7. Additional information. Important for debugging.

1. Remove autoboot (i.e. Create an access point to the FCU)#

There's a need to create an access point by removing auto-boot from the radxa bootloader. When we power on the OBC, what the bootloader will usually do is that it will keep do a countdown and check for any disruption. So if we have the serial port of OBC connected to the flight controller, then there will be some input signal going to the serial port and hence it keeps disrupting the bootloading process. Therefore the OBC cannot boot up.

So the following instructions configures the bootloader to go into fastboot mode, which means don't do a count down and just immediately boot up. Which means you have to amend the config file to the bootloader.This bootloader is also stored in the eMMC. So how should we amend this config file? We have to clone the bootloader from the radxa github page, rebuild the binaries, ie u-boot.bin and then replace the u-boot.bin file in the eMMC (which is the dd step in the instruction).

  • Install dependencies:
    • sudo apt-get install -y wget bc nano mc build-essential autoconf libtool cmake pkg-config git python-dev swig libpcre3-dev libnode-dev gawk wget diffstat bison flex device-tree-compiler libncurses5-dev gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-aarch64-linux-gnu binfmt-support binfmt-support qemu-user-static gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf fastboot
  • Git clone 2 packages
    • git clone --branch radxa-zero-v2021.07
    • git clone
  • Edit the radxa zero config in the u-boot repo
    • nano u-boot/configs/radxa-zero_defconfig
    • Add "CONFIG_BOOTDELAY=-2" before "#CONFIG_DISPLAY_CPUINFO is not set"
  • Compile from u-boot
    cd u-bootexport ARCH=armexport CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-make radxa-zero_defconfigmake
  • Compile from fip/radxa-zero
    cp u-boot.bin ../fip/radxa-zero/bl33.bincd ../fip/radxa-zeromake
  • Copy u-boot.bin over
    • Sideload (Safer option)
      • Hold down boot button on radxa and connect to PC, then run:
        • sudo /path/to/fip/radxa-zero/u-boot.bin
    • (ONLY AS LAST RESORT) Use dd to write over the eMMC
      • Hold down boot button on radxa and connect to PC. Run:
        • sudo rz-udisk-loader.bin to expose the Radxa as a mountable disk
      • Use dmesg/lsblk to figure out what sdX is Radxa
      • In fip/radxa-zero, run sudo dd if=u-boot.bin of=/dev/sdX bs=512 seek=1 to copy the files over
  • Reboot device


2. Flashing of Ubuntu Server image#

Here, we focus on flashing the Ubuntu OS into the OBC via eMMC. eMMC is like a non-volatile storage device. There is also another way of flashing using microSD card. An introduction is listed here:

  1. Install the following tools on your main computer:

    sudo apt updatesudo apt install python3-pipsudo pip3 install pyamlboot
  2. Erase eMMC of Radxa

    • Press down boot button on Radxa before powering it on and connecting it to the PC. NOTE: Button must be pressed down WHILE physically connecting it via USB to the computer.
    • Download radxa-zero-erase-emmc.bin AND rz-udisk-loader.bin
    • Run sudo radxa-zero-erase-emmc.bin
      • This will automatically erase eMMC, then present eMMC as a USB storage device.
    • Reference
  3. Install Balena Etcher

  4. Flash Ubuntu OS onto Radxa

    • Download images from here, the file name should be something like radxa-zero-ubuntu-focal-server-arm64-XXX-mbr.img
    • Decompress images using xz -v --decompress IMAGE_COMPRESSED
    • Use BalenaEtcher to mount the image. After step 2 (erasing the eMMC), the radxa eMMC should appear as a flashable device

Once the OBC is flashed, then when you power on the OBC, it will now run the Ubuntu os. To start up Radxa standalone, you need to:

  1. Plug in the power port from an external power supply
  2. Connect the keyboard
  3. Connect micro HDMI from the OBC to a monitor
  4. Once started up, username and password are 'rock'

3. Enable headless mode#

Disable debug port on OBC. This is so that the Flight controller unit can communicate with the radxa. Edit /boot/uEnv.txt and remove line with console=ttyAML0,115200, which removes this port as a debugging console.

4. Connecting to wifi network#

# Proceed on activating WIFI using Root username and pasword is rock/rocksudo susudo nmcli r wifi onsudo nmcli dev wifisudo nmcli dev wifi connect "wifi_name" password "wifi_password"                   

Optionally, you can set network priorities to prioritize which network to connect to:

# List priority tablenmcli -f NAME,UUID,AUTOCONNECT,AUTOCONNECT-PRIORITY c# Set priority of WIFINAME networknmcli connection modify WIFINAME connection.autoconnect-priority 10

5. Synchronization of time in isolated network (no internet connection)#

There will be situations where your local network does not have internet but you will need to maintain time synchronization across the devices within the same network especially when operating ROS.

The following instruction goes through how to set up a NTP (Network Time Protocol) server on your host computer and NTP clients on your radxa devices (or any other linux device for that matter).

  • Make sure ntp daemon is installed on both host and client computer: sudo apt-get install ntp

  • (Optional) Add network aliases to /etc/hosts

  • Host computer

    1. modify the ntp config: sudo vim /etc/ntp.conf and add the following lines
        # Add local clock as server in the event there is no internet connection  server  # fudge forces the system to treat local clock as a ntp server  fudge stratum 10  # Restrict access to only within the local network subnet  restrict mask nomodify notrap
    2. Restart ntp: sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart
    3. Monitor system log to see if you can synchronize with a time server: tail -f /var/log/syslog
  • Client computer

    1. modify the ntp config: sudo vim /etc/ntp.conf and add the following lines
        # Add the local ntp server as a master, please DO NOT ever add 'prefer' keyword, it will not work  server master0 iburst
    2. Restart ntp: sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart
    3. Monitor connections to peer: ntpq -c lpeer
  • More commands for ntp

      #####  # ntp  #####  # Restart ntp server  sudo /etc/init.d/ntp restart
      # Check for synchronization   tail -f /var/log/syslog
      # Check list of peers  ntpq -c lpeer
      # systemctl  systemctl status chronyd  sudo systemctl restart chronyd    # timedatectl  timedatectl status  timedatectl set-ntp 1  timedatectl set-local-rtc 1
      # To manually set time, disable ntp first 'timedatectl set-ntp 0'  timedatectl set-time '2023-08-18 15:05:30'
  • Reference: how-do-i-setup-a-local-ntp-server

6. Interface with PX4#

  • Make sure you have already enabled headless mode in step 3
  • Make sure your current user (on Radxa) is added to the dialout group through sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
    • If not, you will meet a permission denied error when trying to access the serial port
  • Make sure Baud rate when launching MAVROS matches what is set as PX4 params
    • Format: roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:=/dev/<PORT>:<BAUD_RATE>
    • Example: roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyAML0:230400
  • A successful connection should show you that an IMU is detected from the node and you should be able to rostopic echo the current drone's position
  1. Connection between FCU and Radxa
    • FCU: Connected as MAV_0_CONFIG to one of the UART (should be UART4, which is registered as TEL2 in PX4)
    • Radxa: Connected to UART_AO_A (/dev/ttyAML0)
  2. Launch mavros bridge
    • Might need to perform the following in root mode. Enter with sudo su
    • source /home/rock/.bashrc
    • roslaunch mavros apm.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyAML0:230400

7. Additional information#

How to startup Radxa terminal on Your Laptop/Desktop's OS#

Because Radxa has no GUI, it might be better to run the Radxa's terminal on top of an existing desktop OS like Ubuntu. So that you can copy and paste and browse the web. So what you need is the following:

  1. You need to connect the serial debug port on the Radxa to a USB for communication with the desktop. (Don't connect the power supply to the board yet).
  2. Download minicom, which is a software that can be used to communicate with Radxa through serial port. see In general the steps are: 2.1 Add current user to the plugdev group so that can access serial device without root permission. 2.2 Then edit bashrc with alias minicom and default settings 2.3 Run the command 'minicom zero' 2.4 After running, you can press Crtl+X and then followed by z to set configurations.
# Download Minicomsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install minicom#First let's add the current user to plugdev group so we can access serial device without root permission.sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER# Edit your ~/.bashrc and add the following line so minicom will always be launched with the following default settingalias minicom='minicom -w -t xterm -l -R UTF-8'
#Login to a new terminal to for the change to take effect.#Create and edit file ~/ with the following content:pu port             /dev/ttyUSB0pu baudrate         115200pu bits             8pu parity           Npu stopbits         1pu rtscts           No
#Now executing minicom zero will use the config above, and connect to Radxa Zero's serial console.
  1. With the above steps, you can then plug in your power supply to power up the OBC. Minicom should be able to auto detect the OBC and display the OBC's terminal on the terminal that you ran Minicom.
  2. So in a way this feels like an SSH. You can now control the OBC from your existing main OS.

Clone your Radxa device as an image#

# Hold boot button and connect radxa to pc, run the following commandsudo rz-udisk-loader.bin
# Get device name, should be something like "/dev/sdX" where X is a letterlsblk -p
# Copy device imageexport SD_CARD_DEVICE_NAME=/dev/sdXexport IMAGE_FILE_NAME=~/Downloads/gestelt_os_15_8_23.img
sudo dd bs=4M if=$SD_CARD_DEVICE_NAME of=$IMAGE_FILE_NAME conv=fsync status=progresssudo chown $USER: $IMAGE_FILE_NAME
# Installation of PiShrinkcd ~wget +x pishrink.shsudo mv /usr/local/sbin/pishrinksudo pishrink $IMAGE_FILE_NAME
# Compress image if necessary tar -czf $IMAGE_NAME.tar.gz $IMAGE_NAME.img
# Proceed to load image onto board using BalenaEtcher or other methods


ssh into Radxa#

# Get RADXA_IP_ADDR from ifconfig on the radxa devicessh rock@RADXA_IP

(OPTIONAL) Generate ssh keys to make your life easier

# On central computer, generate a public keyssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 521# Copy public key over to robotssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa rock@ROBOT_IP

On central computer, setup ssh config file. Save as ~/.ssh/config

Host robot    User rock    Hostname ROBOT_IP    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa    ForwardX11 yes

Now you can access the Radxa using ssh robot

Adding ESP32 Radio#

ESP32 is a radio that is faster than communicating via the TCP/IP protocol. It can be integrated with the flight controller board. One ESP32 radio will be attached to the Drone via serial port while the other will be attached to the ground laptop (USB port). In general, some code will be uploaded into the ESP32 board which allows it to transmit and receives messages continuously from its serial connection.

  1. To start writing the code to be uploaded into the radio, you need have an arduino IDE and set up your IDE to work with ESP32 board (because it requires prerequisite packages like esp_now.h etc). Look here

  2. Afterwhich, you can start writing the code to be uploaded. Some examples are as follows:

For actual flight, you need to make sure the baud rate at which each radio is receiving and transmitting is the same (recommended 57600). For the ESP32 boards, this has to be configured in the code that you will upload to the board. For the drones, you have to configure it in the QGroundControl.Set baud rate telem2 to 57600 (or which ever baud rate to be consistent).

Additional Resources#


  1. Permission denied when accessing serial port of FCU from MAVROS on Radxa
    • Make sure Baud rate when launching MAVROS matches what is set as PX4 params
    • Make sure your current user (on Radxa) is added to the dialout group through sudo usermod -a -G dialout $USER
  2. Unable to boot up Radxa.
  • Did you miss out on any installation steps?
  • If not, proceed to reflash the bootloader. This is done by pressing the boot button on radxa and connecting it to the PC. You would then run the following command: sudo /path/to/fip/radxa-zero/u-boot.bin
Last updated on