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Basics - More Bash Scripting

You could start your learning here:

Reading Documentation about Commands#

The Edx Link (Chapter 8)

  • man COMMAND
  • COMMAND -h or COMMAND --help

Quick Reference - Basic Commands#

  • cat,less,more to print files,
  • head, tail to print only the two ends of the file
  • grep "text" to filter the output of the stdout pipe (Ref)
  • check network by ping,ifconfig,iwconfig
  • check USB devices by lsusb
  • check harddrive (block device) by lsblk
  • check device messages by dmesg or dmesg -w
  • check services by sudo systemctl status and similar command of start, stop, restart

.bashrc and .profile file#

They are scripts that are automatically run by the shell when you open a new terminal. They can be quite useful in setting up environment variables like PATH, and running scripts.

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