PX4 SITLSITL stands for "Software In The Loop". It is an important simulation tool to verify control design, operation logic and more.
Click here for more information on the SITL workflow.
Watch this video for more information on the SITL workflow.
Click here for more information on PX4 SITL with Gazebo simulation.
PX4 SITL tricksWatch this video for some PX4 SITL tricks for everyday development.
Multi-vehicle simulation with gazeboWe can start from here.
Explanation by developer Jaeyoung-Lim from Auterion here.
Possible troubleshooting: https://discuss.px4.io/t/px4-multiple-vehicle-simulation/10725/4 (troubleshooting posts with some in-depth discussion near the end)
Customized Gazebo ModelsHere are some useful materials discussing about importing customized Gzebo models into the simulation.
Here is an article about the math behind the Gazebo motor model