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ECL EKF State Reset Logics

Remark: local frame refers static frame, body frame refers to the moving frame attached to the vehicle.

Possible Resets and Updated Flag#

The reset logics for modern PX4 ECL EKF resides in ekf_helper.cpp. All resets are tracked by _state_reset_status struct, stored within uORB vehicle_local_position message (PublishLocalPosition()).

Reset LogicUpdated FlagDelta FrameuORBMAVLink
resetHorizontalVelocityTo()velNE_change, velNE_counterlocal NEDdelta_vxy, vxy_reset_counterNIL
resetVerticalVelocityTo()velD_change, velD_counterlocal NEDdelta_vz, vz_reset_counterNIL
resetHorizontalPositionTo()posNE_change, posNE_counterlocal NEDdelta_xy, xy_reset_counterNIL
resetHeight()posD_change , posD_counterlocal NEDdelta_z, z_reset_counterNIL
resetQuatStateYaw()quat_change, quat_counterbody frame?delta_heading, heading_reset_counterNIL
struct {    uint8_t velNE_counter;  ///< number of horizontal position reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)    uint8_t velD_counter;   ///< number of vertical velocity reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)    uint8_t posNE_counter;  ///< number of horizontal position reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)    uint8_t posD_counter;   ///< number of vertical position reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)    uint8_t quat_counter;   ///< number of quaternion reset events (allow to wrap if count exceeds 255)    Vector2f velNE_change;  ///< North East velocity change due to last reset (m)    float velD_change;  ///< Down velocity change due to last reset (m/sec)    Vector2f posNE_change;  ///< North, East position change due to last reset (m)    float posD_change;  ///< Down position change due to last reset (m)    Quatf quat_change;  ///< quaternion delta due to last reset - multiply pre-reset quaternion by this to get post-reset quaternion} _state_reset_status{};    ///< reset event monitoring structure containing velocity, position, height and yaw reset information

Suggestion: shall we expose the information to MAVLink for planning algorithms to work with?

Reference: vehicle_local_position.msg#

# Fused local position in NED.
uint64 timestamp            # time since system start (microseconds)uint64 timestamp_sample                 # the timestamp of the raw data (microseconds)
bool xy_valid               # true if x and y are validbool z_valid                # true if z is validbool v_xy_valid             # true if vy and vy are validbool v_z_valid              # true if vz is valid
# Position in local NED framefloat32 x               # North position in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres)float32 y               # East position in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres)float32 z               # Down position (negative altitude) in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres)
# Position reset deltafloat32[2] delta_xyuint8 xy_reset_counter
float32 delta_zuint8 z_reset_counter
# Velocity in NED framefloat32 vx              # North velocity in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec)float32 vy              # East velocity in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec)float32 vz              # Down velocity in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec)float32 z_deriv             # Down position time derivative in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec)
# Velocity reset deltafloat32[2] delta_vxyuint8 vxy_reset_counter
float32 delta_vzuint8 vz_reset_counter# Acceleration in NED framefloat32 ax        # North velocity derivative in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec^2)float32 ay        # East velocity derivative in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec^2)float32 az        # Down velocity derivative in NED earth-fixed frame, (metres/sec^2)
float32 heading             # Euler yaw angle transforming the tangent plane relative to NED earth-fixed frame, -PI..+PI,  (radians)float32 delta_headinguint8 heading_reset_counter
# Position of reference point (local NED frame origin) in global (GPS / WGS84) framebool xy_global              # true if position (x, y) has a valid global reference (ref_lat, ref_lon)bool z_global               # true if z has a valid global reference (ref_alt)uint64 ref_timestamp            # Time when reference position was set since system start, (microseconds)float64 ref_lat             # Reference point latitude, (degrees)float64 ref_lon             # Reference point longitude, (degrees)float32 ref_alt             # Reference altitude AMSL, (metres)
# Distance to surfacefloat32 dist_bottom         # Distance from from bottom surface to ground, (metres)bool dist_bottom_valid          # true if distance to bottom surface is valid
float32 eph             # Standard deviation of horizontal position error, (metres)float32 epv             # Standard deviation of vertical position error, (metres)float32 evh             # Standard deviation of horizontal velocity error, (metres/sec)float32 evv             # Standard deviation of horizontal velocity error, (metres/sec)
# estimator specified vehicle limitsfloat32 vxy_max             # maximum horizontal speed - set to 0 when limiting not required (meters/sec)float32 vz_max              # maximum vertical speed - set to 0 when limiting not required (meters/sec)float32 hagl_min            # minimum height above ground level - set to 0 when limiting not required (meters)float32 hagl_max            # maximum height above ground level - set to 0 when limiting not required (meters)
# TOPICS vehicle_local_position vehicle_local_position_groundtruth# TOPICS estimator_local_position
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