Post-flashing Dos
(TX2 Platform for ROS-Robotics)
Check L4T and Jetpack version-cat /etc/nv_tegra_release
, e.g. R32.3.2 is the L4T Version
Install Absolute Dependenciessudo apt update
to the latest- Install CUDA and cuDNN etc. from Nvidia SDK Manager, over the USB Cable (check install by
nvcc --version
export 2 lines are there) - Install ROS, and
apt install python-catkin-tools python-rosdep
; dosudo rosdep init
- Setup SD Card
- Add user
to dialout group, to access tty serial port normally - Install pytorch and torchvision
- Install ZED SDK
sudo apt install ros-melodic-mavlink
Downgrade OpenCV- For new Jetpack, the OpenCV version is 4.1+. Whereas ROS 1 needs Version 3.x to function. Hence, downgrade by using Nvidia's SDK Manager's .deb file , e.g.
Install Optional Dependencies- For Pangolin OpenGL Display
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev libglew-dev
sudo apt install libegl1-mesa-dev libwayland-dev libxkbcommon-dev wayland-protocols
sudo python -mpip install numpy pyopengl Pillow pybind11
- librealsense for Jetson from official
Python Dependenciespip install --upgrade pip
, same to pip3pip install
andpip3 install
the following- cpython (may try
pip install --upgrade
) - numpy
- scipy (need
- cpython (may try
Convenience- Add right-click to create new file:
touch ~/Templates/Empty\ Document
- Add system monitor applet at status bar (gnome extension)
- Setting of power button to shutdown without prompt of 60 seconds
- Do not blank screen display
Tools- Install VS Code
- Install Samba
- Install git, and configure timeout for asking password
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=300'
- catkin build, make it default Release mode
catkin config --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Hardware / Kernel- Increase USBFS buffer size (uboot at /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf)
Web Applications- Nodejs and yarn
- Nginx
sudo apt install nginx
OpenCV 4 from Source- It is required, if contrib features of OpenCV is to be used. Does not come with shipped .deb
- build it from source, using a external ext4 disk drive, as large space is needed
- for TX2, the
version is 6.2