Modifications Done for Networking- Wifi power saving is disabled in
from 3 to 2 - ipv6 usage in avahi-daemon is turned off in
. This is to make .local resolve works better
Added Samba Services for Remote File Editingsudo apt install samba
add current user to samba database
sudo smbpasswd -a nvidia
- to list users, use
sudo pdbedit -L
- to list users, use
, add at last:[home]path = /home/nvidiavalid users = nvidiacreate mask = 0664directory mask = 0775browseable = yeswritable = yesguest ok = nofollow symlinks = yes [SD]path = /media/nvidia/SDvalid users = nvidiacreate mask = 0664directory mask = 0775browseable = yeswritable = yesguest ok = nofollow symlinks = yes [rootfs]path = /admin users = nvidiaforce group = rootcreate mask = 0644browseable = yeswritable = yesguest ok = nofollow symlinks = yes
- restart samba
sudo systemctl restart smbd.service
To allow insecure symlinks to outside shared folder (Not needed)[global]allow insecure wide links = yes
[share]wide links = yes
Enable Screen Sharing for VNC- setup in ubuntu settings first, enable screen sharing
- then disable encryption by,
sudo apt install dconf-tools
, and in org.gnome.desktop.remote-access.require-encryption, turn off