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ZED SDK Download and Installation#

nvcc --version
  • Based on the version, download the ZED SDK
  • Open the folder and run terminal
./ZED________ # run the program

If you have no Permissions to execute the program, you may need to set permissions first.

ZED ROS Wrapper#

The ZED ROS Wrapper lets you use the ZED stereo cameras with ROS.



  1. Ubuntu 18.04
  2. ZED SDK and CUDA dependency
  3. ROS Melodic or ROS Kineti

Build the Packages#

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src$ git clone$ cd ../$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y$ catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release$ source ./devel/setup.bash

Create a catkin work space first if 'catkin_ws' cannot be found

Modification to Settings Folder (if needed):#

  • add soft symlink from /usr/local/zed/settings to /media/nvidia/SD/catkin_ws/src/pixhawk_v1/param/zed/settings
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